
आचार्य आयुर्वेदा

Hemant Kumar Jan 29, 2025

Amazing Benefits of Shilajit: Health Advantages and Healing Properties

Benefits of Shilajit

Shilajit has qualities of sneha (oiliness) and lavan (salts), which make it Vata-hara (pacifies Vata), and it has the qualities of sar (sharpness) to make it Pitta-hara (pacifies Pitta), teekshna (sharp) qualities that make it Shleshmaghna (reduces mucus) and Medoghna (fat reducing), charapari and tokshan qualities which make it deepan (digestive), kadwa taste which makes it raktavikar-nashak (blood disorder remover), and charapara, teekshna, and ushna qualities that make it krimighna (antimicrobial). Shilajit is sneha (nourishing) and provides balya (strength), ayurvardhak (longevity-enhancing), vrishya (aphrodisiac), vishnashak (poison antidote), mangal (rejuvenating) and amrit roop (nourishing to the soul) properties. Pure Shilajit is stotras, dhatu (purifying the tissues), indriya (purifying the senses), and buddhi (intelligence) enhancing, and is vrishya and medhya (improves intellect).

According to Bhagwan Atreya, Shilajit is unaml (not sour), kasaila (slightly bitter), and vibak (effect on metabolism) is charapari. It is neither excessively hot nor cold. This rasayana (rejuvenator) is vrishya (aphrodisiac) and destroys all diseases. To soothe diseases, it is recommended to take Shilajit with herbal decoctions like vata-hara, pitta-hara, kapha-hara, dvidoshahara, or tridoshahara to achieve ultimate veerya (potency).

Maharishi Atreya says:

न सोअस्ति रोगों भुवि साध्यरूप: शिलाह्यं यन्न जयेत् प्रसड्डा। 
"There is no disease on Earth caused by the imbalance of elements (Rasa and Dhatu) that cannot be cured by properly consuming Shilajit."

Bhagwan Dhanvantari states that all types of Shilajit are kadvī (bitter), charapari (sharp), slightly kashay ras (astringent), sar (permeating everywhere and purging waste), and have ushnaveerya (hot potency) which helps in reducing kapha and meda (fat) and removing mala (waste). Consumption of Shilajit cures diseases like prameha (diabetes), kushta (skin diseases), apasmara (epilepsy), unmad (insanity), shleepad (paralysis), kritrima vish (artificial poisoning), shosh (emaciation), shodh (detoxification), arsh (piles), gulma (tumors), pandu (anemia), and vishamajwara (intermittent fever) in a short period. There is no disease that Shilajit cannot eliminate. It has been used for centuries to break down and expel sugar crystals and kidney stones from the urine.

Rasaratna Samuccayakar mentions that consuming pure Shilajit cures fever, pandu (anemia), swelling, diabetes, all types of prameha, agnimandh (weak digestion), meda-vriddhi (fat accumulation), rajayakshma (tuberculosis), arsh (piles), gulma (tumors), pleehavridhi (spleen enlargement), all kinds of abdomen diseases, heart pain, and all types of skin diseases. Shilajit is undoubtedly the best rasayana to make the body disease-free and strong. Minerals like Abhrak, Gandhak (sulfur), Sateendra (mercury), Manikya (ruby), and gold, which are used to overcome aging and death-related diseases, also have similar properties in Shilajit as mentioned in the following verse:

रसोपरस-सूतेन्द्र रत्न-लौहेषु ये गुणाः। 

वसन्ति ते शिलाधातौ जरा-मृत्यु-जिगीषया ।। 

“The qualities present in ras, uparas, Sateendra, gems, and iron are present in Shilajit, which helps in overcoming old age and death.”

Shilajit is extremely beneficial for chronic diseases, fat accumulation, and diabetes. Additionally, it is applied as a paste for treating injuries. Consuming Shilajit also helps in reducing the fear of premature death and increases longevity. It is beneficial for children, youth, elderly, men, and women alike.


The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Before consuming Shilajit or any other Ayurvedic medicine, please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner or Ayurvedic expert. Each person’s health and response may vary, so it is important to seek professional advice before using any medicine. The benefits and properties discussed here are based on traditional Ayurvedic perspectives, and their effects may differ for each individual. This is an AI base translation some error may occur.

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