
आचार्य आयुर्वेदा

Hemant Kumar May 3, 2024

Unveiling Vata Dosha: Characteristics, Functions, and Locations in Ayurveda

 वात  वायु तत्व  व आकाश तत्व  से मिलकर वात बना है

वायु के गुण:-

तत्र रुक्षो लघु: शीत: खर: सूक्ष्मश्चलोअनिलः

वायु रुक्ष , लघु (हल्का) , शीत, खर, सूक्ष्म और चल (गतिशील)है

रुक्ष अथार्थ सूखापन या सुखाने वाली, शरीर मे कहि भी सूखापन या खुरदुरापन हो वहाँ वायु का प्रभाव समझना चाहिए।

लघु अथार्थ हल्की, शरीर मे कहि भी हल्का पन या खाने में या वजन में कोई भी वस्तु हल्की हो तो वह वात प्रकृति की है।

शीत वात का मुख्य गुण शीतलता है लेकिन यह योगवाही भी है गर्म के साथ मिलकर गर्म भी हो जाती है।

खर अथार्थ खुरदुरापन, कठोरता। कोई भी वस्तु या शारीरिक सतह खुरदुरी, कठोर मालूम पड़ती हो तो वहाँ वायु का प्रभाव मानना चाहिए।

सूक्ष्म अथार्थ यह कहि भी आ-जा सकती है प्रकृति या शरीर के किसी भी छोटे से छोटे स्थान पर पहुंच सकती है।

चल वायु का गुण गतिशील चंचल होना है कोई भी वस्तु चंचलता उतपन्न करती हो तो वह वात युक्त होती है।

वायु के स्थान:-

पक्वाशयकटीसक्थिश्रोत्रास्थिस्पर्शनेंद्रियम:। स्थानं वातस्य, तत्रापि पक्वाधानं विशेषत:।।

वायु समस्त शरीर मे विचरता है परंतु मुख्यता ये पक्वाशय(छोटी आंत का प्रथम भाग), कटी(कमर के क्षेत्र में), श्रोत्र(सुनाई देने), अस्थि, त्वचा(स्पर्श ज्ञान)में पाई जाती है। इनमें भी पक्वाशय मुख्य है।


In Ayurveda, Vata is derived from the combination of the air (Vayu) and space (Akasha) elements. Understanding the qualities and functions of Vata is crucial for maintaining balance in the body and mind.

Qualities of Vata:

Ruksha (Dryness): Vata is inherently dry, contributing to sensations of dryness or roughness in the body.

Laghu (Lightness): It imparts a light quality, affecting anything that feels light in the body or has a reduced weight.

Sheet (Coldness): The primary characteristic of Vata is coldness, although it can become warm when combined with heat.

Khar (Roughness): Vata can manifest as roughness or hardness in the body or in any physical surface.

Sookshma (Subtlety): It has the ability to penetrate even the smallest channels or spaces in the body.

Chal (Movement): Vata is characterized by its mobile and ever-changing nature, influencing anything that exhibits movement.

Locations of Vata:

Vata circulates throughout the entire body, but its primary locations include:

Pakwasaya (Colon): The first part of the large intestine, where Vata predominates.

Kati (Lower Back): The region of the lower back, associated with Vata.

Shrotra (Ears): Vata governs the sense of hearing and is located in the ears.

Asthi (Bones): Vata influences bone health and resides in the skeletal system.

Twacha (Skin): It governs the sense of touch and is present in the skin, influencing tactile sensations.

Understanding the Role of Vata:

Vata plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including movement, sensation, and elimination. When in balance, it promotes creativity, flexibility, and vitality. However, imbalanced Vata can lead to issues such as dry skin, constipation, anxiety, and insomnia.

By understanding the qualities and locations of Vata, one can take steps to maintain its balance through lifestyle practices, diet, and Ayurvedic treatments.


In Ayurveda, Vata is a fundamental concept that influences numerous aspects of health and well-being. By recognizing its qualities and understanding its role in the body, individuals can work towards achieving harmony and balance for overall health and vitality.